Frozen shoulder is often caused by repetitive motion which leads to strain on the muscles and joints in the shoulder region. There are many treatment options that help to alleviate pain without resorting to invasive surgery.
The OAT procedure aka (Manual Capsular Dissection – MCD) is one of the treatment options that provide non-invasive pain management. This involves adhesive tissue isolation both inside and outside the shoulder capsule.
How does frozen shoulder happen?
Repetitive movements sometimes related to sports could cause frozen shoulder. Diseases like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, an underactive thyroid, and tuberculosis can result in joint inflammation. Injuries to the shoulder may also lead to long-term pain in the shoulder.
All these elements contribute to frozen shoulder symptoms.
Getting help to manage frozen shoulder pain is very important. The sooner the better. This injury can cause limited mobility, severer pain, restrictive movement, and also stiffness in the shoulder capsule area.
Here are 5 ways to manage frozen shoulder while you’re at home
Along with professional medical treatment, you can do some exercises at home. There are a few exercises to help with frozen shoulder pain and mobility issues.
The OAT procedure might not be like these methods, but it is said to provide a lot of pain relief.
#1 Towel stretch
The towel stretch may seem like an easy stretch or exercise, but it’s not that easy for people with shoulder pain. Using a long towel behind your back, hold the lower end with the painful shoulder side and the top end with the good shoulder’s hand.
Slowly pull the top part up, which will lift the arm underneath.
#2 Cross-body reach stretch
The cross-body stretch requires you to stretch your injured arm across your body guiding it with your good arm. You can hold this position for 15 seconds or more (if comfortable) and then bring it back to the starting position. Repeat this move 3 times.
You will feel the stretch inside your injured shoulder.
#3 Finger wall walk
The finger wall walk is one of the simplest exercises to do for frozen shoulder. Face a wall at arm’s length and gently “walk” with your fingers up the wall. Stop just before it reaches too high that it may cause stress.
#4 Pendulum exercise
The pendulum exercise for frozen shoulder is low impact and helps to passively release tension inside the shoulder. It also helps improve range and motion inside the injured shoulder.
This is done by using a table or a chair back and resting your good arm on it. The injured arm should hang passively. Using your body (not your arm) use your body weight to move the arm back and forth.
The OAT procedure provides long-term relief for frozen shoulder pain.