One of the most attractive parts of a woman is her hair. She spends a lot of time perfecting it and using several off-the-counter products, resulting in hair thinning and hair loss. Seeing those gorgeous strands of hair falling off can cause a blow in the confidence level, and so it is crucial to figure out how and why this is happening.
The common forms of hair loss in women
Before going to the obvious reasons for hair loss, let’s take a look at how hair loss occurs. The hair growth and shedding happen in a cycle of three stages – Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. A disrupt in the sequence is the reason for hair loss. There are several tell-tale signs for the condition, and they include thinning and scaling.
Lending from genetics, the most commonly reported condition is the female-pattern hair loss. Also known as “Androgenetic Alopecia,” girls in their late teens can also be hit with this disease. Needless to say, the earlier it affects a woman, the severe it gets in the future. Most women suffering from pattern hair loss don’t see a receding hairline or even a bald spot on top of the scalp. Instead, their crown starts thinning. Some of the top hair loss inducing reasons are:
1. Stress
2. Chemotherapy or other severe medical treatments
3. Excessive styling and overuse of chemicals
4. Strong medicinal side-effects
5. Heredity
6. Menopause
7. Sudden weight loss
8. Diabetes
Prevention – Is it even possible?
Ideally, to prevent and treat hair loss, you must accept the fact that you are suffering from it. The condition starts from a few strands and builds up to handfuls. Do not live in denial about the condition and think that it will cure itself. If you see strands of hair in your comb whenever you run it through, consult a doctor immediately.
Now, the first thing that has to be kept in mind here is that genetic hair loss can never be prevented. Having said so, once you have deduced the reason is not hereditary, you can take a few steps to care for your hair and prevent hair loss. Some of those steps include:
1. Not undergoing any harsh and hot treatments
2. No more tight hairstyles
3. Avoiding all sorts of strong medications
4. No more smoking
5. Putting on a cooling cap, if undergoing chemotherapy
Unlike what we see during male-pattern baldness, female hair loss is more about the reduction in the volume of the hair. Here, the diameter of each strand shrinks with time and extra thin hair do not grow after a particular length. The perfect permanent treatment for women, thus, is one that would add volume and growing out the thin hair at the same time.
Which hair loss treatment for women is the most suitable option?
Not only is this a tricky question, but it also is crucial when it comes to hair loss in women. Two of the most preferred options here are:
1. Hair Transplant Surgery
2. Scalp Micropigmentation
Transplant surgery is one that can further be done in two ways – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Here, judging the condition of hair loss, tiny follicles of hair are extracted from one part of the scalp and inserted into another part in either of the two procedures.
While this is the most recommended solution, there are several factors at work. First off, the surgeon will perform tests to see if the patient is eligible for the surgery. In case she is, transplant surgery would require shaving off most of the hair, which many women might not be comfortable with.
Keeping all this in mind, Scalp Micropigmentation has become a popular hair loss treatment for women. It not only gives instant and permanent results, but the procedure leaves every patient with an extremely natural look as well.
What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
SMP is a procedure through which tiny, layered dots are tattooed on the scalp in various hues of the original hair color to give an illusion of a fuller scalp. Often referred to as pointillism, SMP replicates the look of a shadow, creating a natural-looking depth and definition. Only professional practitioners who have been working in the field for a long time now would be able to ensure the dots look like natural hair and are blended seamlessly.
Since, before the treatment, the practitioner applies a topical numbing cream to the area, there is considerably less pain associated with the procedure. The discomfort, however, entirely depends on the pain tolerance level of the patient. There is, as such, no reported significant side effects from SMP, making it a reliable option. Following the practitioner’s detailed pre and post-treatment instructions are essential for optimum results.
Conclusion: It can be disheartening for a woman to lose her lush mane. Identifying the condition, taking steps to prevent and treat it would only speed up the process of bringing the confidence and hair back.
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