So many businesses in Australia now rely heavily on computers and the internet for their day to day operation. With this being the case, keeping an IT system up and running, healthy and secure has become a top priority. Sometimes this can be done in-house, but more often than not, businesses are better served by hiring the professional services of a managed IT service company.
When it comes to local IT managed service providers, Australia offers up quite a few options to choose from, and this article is going to suggest some tips on choosing just the right company to suit your requirements.
#1 – How Experienced Is the Provider?
When seeking small business IT solutions from a managed services provider, you’ll want to be sure you’re dealing with a company that has some experience. There’s nothing wrong with giving a new IT business a try, but you’ll have more assurance and peace of mind hiring a company that has a track record in the industry.
When trying to decide which company might be the best fit for you, check out their “About” page on their website and see if they mention how long they’ve been in business.
#2 – Can Your Company Afford Their Services?
Before looking for a company to service your IT requirements, first work out a budget for what you can afford to spend on managed IT services, or whatever services you require. Once you have a figure in mind, make some inquiries of the managed IT services providers near you and see what they charge for their range of services.
You may find your budgeted amount fits in well with their prices. If not, you’ll either need to find a cheaper company, or re-evaluate what services you can afford to buy.
#3 – Does the Company Have a Reputation for Achieving Results?
The first question talked about how long a company has been in business. Once you’ve established that they have experience, you’ll then want to know that the company has built up a positive reputation for achieving results.
If IT security is your number one priority, you’ll be looking for an IT business that has a reputation for providing effective IT security for commercial computer systems and networks.
No matter what services you require, do some research on the IT companies you are interested in and see if you can find some independent reviews and testimonials online.
A personal recommendation from someone you know is always an effective way of finding an IT managed services provider that will be reputable and gets results.
#4 – What Range of Services Do They Offer?
Not all IT companies are the same. Many specialise in different aspects of IT business solutions. For this reason, it’s important to check their services page to see what they offer. If the service you require is not on their list, you’ll need to continue your search, or refine it, to find a company that does what you need them to do.
If you require ongoing system management and monitoring, then there’s no point hiring a company that only does system installations and networks.
#5 – Do You Require Onsite Managed Services or Remote Services?
This is an important question, and you may need to also consider your budget available for IT services.
Ongoing managed IT services usually entail an IT company regularly visiting your business premises and ensuring everything regarding your IT system is working properly and is secure. This can also include constant monitoring of your IT system.
If onsite IT management is not what you need or not within your budget, you could instead opt for remote IT support, such as Jet IT Support Services, for example.
Remote IT support can be a low-cost alternative for businesses on a tighter budget that still require assistance from time to time from IT professionals. Remote support for your business IT system is certainly something to consider, so look for providers that offer remote assistance as one of their services.
The Wrap
There are many IT support companies out there. Just take the time to determine what services you need, how much of a budget you have, and do your research to find the company that best fits your needs.