When you decide to adopt a child, it is easy to think that the only thing you are giving up is your biological rights. But adoption also has an emotional impact on the adoptee and their family members. If you have children or other family members who will be affected by your decision, it’s important for them to understand what they can expect from adoption. In this blog post, we look at how adoption affects different people in different ways.
As we mentioned earlier, adoption in Australia is a great option for many children as they are able to get out of foster care and have parents who love them unconditionally. But it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows when you decide to adopt – especially if you already have other kids or family members in your life who will be affected by your decision. If you’re considering adopting soon, consider how each person involved in adoption may feel about this change.
Impact on You
Child adoption is a very personal and life-changing decision. It can be an exciting time as you are gaining another family member, but it isn’t always easy to give up your biological rights. Adoption has its positives and negatives for the adopter – just like any other big change in life!
Impact on Partner/Spouse
How does your partner feel about having a new sibling? If they don’t have strong feelings one way or the other, then chances are that they will be supportive of this major change in your lives. But if they aren’t keen on becoming part of a ‘biological package deal’ (i.e., with both children being adopted into the same home), think carefully about how you’re going to handle their concerns. Remember that adoption can sometimes take months or even years, and your partner will need time to come around to the idea of having a new family member. It’s important for them (and you) not to give up on this process too soon!
Impact on Children
If you have other kids in your life who aren’t adopted into your home with the new addition, they may feel left out at first – especially younger children who are more likely to attach themselves quickly with a newly arrived sibling. If possible, try explaining what adoption is before it happens so they don’t feel surprised when someone suddenly comes home as part of the family unit. Try talking about parenthood without mentioning adoption directly until they are ready.
Impact on Extended Family
Sometimes extended family members struggle to understand what adoption means, and it’s important for them to know that you still love them just as much as ever. But if they have strong negative feelings about your decision, the best thing is usually just not telling them until they come around on their own. If someone close to you struggles with accepting a new child in your life, let time pass before discussing it again – especially if there were any harsh words exchanged at first!
Adoption has an emotional impact on everyone involved; both children who become part of a new family unit and adults who make this huge change happen every day. Understanding how other people feel can help all cope better when making choices related to adoption.
Adopted kids feel like they don’t fit in with their new family because they are “different.” They might not understand why their birth mother gave them up for adoption so it’s common for young people adopted into mostly Caucasian-populated countries such as Australia to think there was something wrong with them since most other people look different from themselves. The key here is understanding how this makes your child feel and being open about talking through these issues without judgment. Adoptees may also have feelings related to the loss of their birth parents, especially if they did not have a positive experience with them before adoption. Adopting parents should also be aware that many adoptees are very curious about finding out their origins and may want to re-connect with their biological family at some point in life.
Adoption is an emotional process for everyone involved! If you’re considering adopting soon, think carefully about how each person might feel during this time. Understanding these feelings can help make the transition easier when it comes to making decisions related to adoption.